Graphics Output
Histograms of combined data or individual process streams, with specification limits

Box-and-Whisker Plots with specification limits

X-Charts by Process Stream

Run charts by Process Stream, with specification limits

Combined data showing all process streams through time

Process Performance Analysis stacked bar chart

Process Performance Analysis opportunity bar Charts

Process Performance Analysis variance components

7/27/98 Title: Example File Data File: D:\data\Example.dat Variables: Measures: Height Groups: Station 1 to 22 Specifications: USL = 103.0000 Target = 98.0000 LSL = 93.0000 Process Stream Analysis: Group n Mean Low High Range Std Std(MMR) 1 134 98.37 96.26 99.98 3.72 0.63 0.26 2 134 100.22 99.15 101.08 1.93 0.40 0.24 3 134 99.73 97.48 100.79 3.31 0.77 0.26 4 134 100.56 99.55 101.39 1.84 0.29 0.22 5 134 100.36 99.50 100.99 1.49 0.29 0.23 6 134 100.29 98.29 101.21 2.92 0.59 0.24 7 134 101.22 100.63 102.06 1.43 0.33 0.24 8 134 102.21 101.50 102.94 1.44 0.32 0.26 9 134 100.34 97.93 101.26 3.33 0.79 0.18 10 134 98.97 98.38 99.58 1.20 0.24 0.15 11 134 101.18 100.61 101.94 1.33 0.26 0.21 12 134 100.16 97.93 101.48 3.55 0.67 0.25 13 134 101.38 99.94 102.06 2.12 0.28 0.24 14 134 100.33 99.15 100.93 1.78 0.34 0.23 15 134 100.27 98.26 101.14 2.88 0.68 0.23 16 134 100.56 99.59 101.94 2.35 0.45 0.19 17 134 100.47 96.41 102.20 5.79 1.27 0.23 18 134 101.30 99.55 101.96 2.41 0.49 0.22 19 134 100.25 99.15 101.43 2.28 0.54 0.21 20 134 100.80 98.61 101.76 3.15 0.71 0.24 21 134 100.57 98.19 101.61 3.42 0.80 0.27 22 134 101.06 99.53 102.63 3.10 0.49 0.27 SQRT(MSW) = Avg Std Dev within = 0.58 AVG Std(MMR) = Avg Std Dev from Median Moving Range = 0.23 Descriptives: n = 2948 Mean = 100.4816 Std. Dev = 0.9788 Low = 96.2600 Q1 = 100.0650 Median = 100.5900 Q3 = 101.1400 High = 102.9400 Skewness = -0.732 Kurtosis = 0.759 Variance Components: Total Variance About Target = 7.1165 100.00% Off-target Variance = 6.1584 86.54% Potential Variance = 0.0534 0.75% Process Stream Variance = 0.6190 8.70% Time(Control) Variance = 0.2856 4.01% Performance: %Off-Target = 24.82% Max Stream Mean = 102.2103 Min Stream Mean = 98.3680 %Process Stream Difference = 38.42% Ppk = 0.858 Ppm = 0.625 Pp = 1.703 Pp(Stream)= 2.862 Cp(pot) = 7.212 n = 2948 Above USL = 0 Below LSL = 0 Total Out = 0 (0 ppm)