Text Output Form
This form displays the output from the performance calculations. The output text may be edited, copied, printed, and saved.
Here is the Text Output Form.
Output Text — Setup
Output Text — Descriptives
These statistics are generated from all values in the analysis.
Output Text — Process Stream Analysis
Output Text — Variance Components and Performance Measures
- File provides the ability Save the output to a file, Print, or return to the Main Form.
- Edit allows ability to undo editing, cut, copy, and paste, and select all.
- Help provides access to this Website.
Speed Buttons
These buttons provide quick access to the following tasks.
Returns to the Main Form.
Saves the output to a file.
Prints the Text.
Copies Selection to the clipboard.
Pastes text from the clipboard
Increases the Font.
Decreases the Font.
Brings up this Help system.
Hides the form.
Output Text
The Performance Output text is displayed here.
Clear Before Display
When checked, the form is cleared before new output is added. When unchecked, new output is appended, separated by a page break.