Performance Charts
When analysis is conducted by pressing the button on the Main form, the following form will be activated.
- File: Provides ability to save or print the chart.
- Edit: Copies the chart (which also may be achieved by double clicking on the chart), provides the ability to copy control limit text, and edit the chart titles.
- View: Zoom out after zooming, toggle black-and-white display, display or hide the control rule violations, connect or not connect the points, show breaks option to show gaps with missing data, change decimal places on the Y-Axis scale, and control limit or file modifications to the chart.
- Help: Calls up this Website.
Speed Buttons
The buttons provide quick access to common tasks. Clicking these buttons do the following tasks:
Returns to the Attributes Chart Setup Form.
Saves the graph to a file.
Prints the graph.
Copies the graph to the clipboard.
Edits the Graph Titles.
Zooms out the graph following a Zoom.
Toggles between Color and Black & White
Brings up the Help file.
Hides the form.
PPA - Bar Chart
The PPA Opportunity chart. See PPA Stacked Bar Charts.

PPA - Opportunity Analysis
The PPA Opportunity chart. See PPA Stacked Bar Charts.

Variance - Pie
A Variance Component Pie chart. See Variance Components.

Variance - Bar
A Variance Component 100% Stacked bar chart. See Variance Components.

Plot Area
The plot area for display the charts.
Clear Before Display
Check this to clear display before plotting. If unchecked, future plots will be appended.
Graph Title Edit
Clicking on the Chart Title brings up a Chart Title Edit Form to edit the Titles.