Random Sequences
The Random Sequences Form generates randomized sequences of numbers. These sequences may be used for such purposes as the development of experimental run orders.
The range of numbers in the sequence and the number of times to generate sequences is input. The output can be horizontal rows, multiple vertical columns, or a single vertical column of numbers.
- File provides the ability Save or Print the output, or return to the Main Form.
- Edit allows Editing Output Text by cutting, copying, pasting, and undoing entry.
- View provides the ability to enlarge/reduce the Form size for easier viewing.
- Help provides access to this Website.
Speed Buttons
These buttons provide quick access to the following tasks.
Returns to last Form or the Main Form.
Saves the output to a file.
Prints the Text.
Copies Selection to the clipboard.
Pastes Text from the clipboard
Increases the Font.
Decreases the Font.
Brings up the Main Form.
Brings up the Help file.
Hides the form.
Action Button
Performs calculations and displays output.
Output Text
The calculation output is displayed here when
is clicked. You may save, print, edit, cut, copy, and paste text in this area.

Enter the lowest number in the sequence here.
Enter the number of sequences to generate here.
Enter the highest number in the sequence here.
Sequence Display
Select the output display to be horizontal rows, multiple vertical columns, or a single vertical column of numbers.