The Omega-Squared Form performs calculation of , the importance of a Fixed Factor in an Analysis of Variance.
- SS(Effect) is the Sum of Squares of the effect of interest,
- df(Effect) is the degrees of freedom of the effect of interest,
- SS(Total) is the Total Sum of Squares in the ANOVA, and
- MSE is the Mean-Square Error term.
- File provides the ability Save or Print the output, or return to the Main Form.
- Edit allows Editing Output Text by cutting, copying, pasting, and undoing entry.
- View provides the ability to enlarge/reduce the Form size for easier viewing.
- Help provides access to this Website.
Speed Buttons
These buttons provide quick access to the following tasks.
Returns to last Form or the Main Form.
Saves the output to a file.
Prints the Text.
Copies Selection to the clipboard.
Pastes Text from the clipboard
Enlarges/Reduces Form size for easier viewing.
Brings up the Main Form.
Brings up the Help file.
Hides the form.
SS(Effect) is the Sum of Squares of the effect of interest
SS(Total) is the Total Sum of Squares in the ANOVA
df(Effect) is the degrees of freedom of the effect of interest
MSE is the Mean-Square Residual error term
Output Text
The calculation output is displayed here when
is clicked. You may save, print, edit, cut, copy, and paste text in this area.

Action Button
Performs calculations and displays output.