Mean/Dispersion Tests Output
When is selected on the Mean/Dispersion Tests Form, the following Form is displayed.
Mean/Dispersion Output Menu
- File provides the ability Save the output to a file, Print, or return to the Mean/Dispersion Tests Form.
- Edit allows ability to undo editing, cut, copy, and paste, and select all.
- Help provides access to this Website.
Mean/Dispersion Output Speed Buttons
These buttons provide quick access to the following tasks.
- Returns to the Mean/Dispersion Tests Form.
- Saves the output to a file.
- Prints the Text.
- Copies Selection to the clipboard.
- Pastes text from the clipboard
- Increases the Font.
- Decreases the Font.
- Brings up the Main Form.
- Brings up the Help file.
- Hides the form.
Output Text
The Mean/Dispersion Test output is displayed here.
Clear Before Display
When checked, the form is cleared before new output is added. When unchecked, new output is appended, separated by a page break.