MSA Setup Form
This form is used to setup a Measurement Systems Analysis. Measurement Systems Analysis for Interval/Ratio data, or Nominal level data analyses may be performed.
First, enter the number of appraisers. Then click on the appraiser, and move the variables over to their measures fields. Each time you add a variable it will add a column in the measures field.
Select the Data Level, Calculation Method (Interval/Ratio analyses only), and set the specifications. If you are assessing against a standard, click the button to "Set Standard" to set an appraiser field as a "Standard" measure.
Click the Item Analysis tab or the Systems Analysis tab to see results.
The nominal level analysis can be quite complicated, although this software has revolutionized the analysis. If you need further assistance, please contact us for training on this topic.
- File provides the ability open a new file, Save or Print the output, access the Data Editor, or return to the Main Form.
- Edit provides ability to Copy the grid selection, or Select the entire grid with headings. Font size in the grids can be increased or decreased. Column widths may be minimized for greater column display.
- Help provides access to this Website.
Speed Buttons
Returns to the last Form or the Main Form.
Opens a Data File.
Displays the Data Editor.
Saves the output to a file.
Prints the Text grid.
Copies Selection to the clipboard.
Brings up crosstabs (Useful for Nominal Analysis).
Brings up the Main Form.
Brings up this Help file.
Hides the form.