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MVPstats — One-Sample Standard Deviation Test

The One-Sample Variance test is used to test if the sample was drawn from a population with a variance equal to some hypothesized value.


The following hypotheses may be tested:

TF - 1sample Var Hyp

Where sigma-squared is the true population variance from which the sample was drawn, and Sigma-Squared-0 is the hypothesized population value.


  1. The sample has been randomly drawn from the population (Critical)
  2. The population from which the sample has been drawn is normally distributed (Critical)
  3. The measurements are at least Interval Level (Critical)

Test Statistic

TF - 1sample Var Test

Where Chi-Squared has n -1 df


TF OneSample Var Test Output

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Page Updated: 06/14/2023
Website by MVP Programs