Numbers may be entered by selecting a cell and pressing a number key. This will overwrite the previous cell entry.
The or key will allow you to edit a cell without deleting the contents. The key will move first to the next row and then begin editing.
Leading or trailing 0's will be ignored. For example, 0.2 or .20 are equivalent.
Scientific Notation may be used, if needed, in the format 1.0E2 or 1.2E-2.
Number keys may be used to enter text into data cells for numerical data.
The and keys may be used when entering numbers to move to another position within the number.
Typing numbers within the number string will insert those numbers at the cursor position.
Pressing the key will erase the cell contents. Pressing the key will delete a single character before the cursor.
For example, 1.0E2 would be 100, and 1.2E-2 would be 0.012.