What's New in MVPspc
Free Upgrade!
Updates in Version: 20110201
- Added display of X-position in addition to Y-position when mouse is over Control Chart points
Updates in Version: 20110117
- Now use Nullsoft installer, and no longer require separate upgrade and install versions.
- Allow $-sign and commas in data.
- Fixed output of extra commas in Chart Information.
- Removed capability calculation from Control Chart Info when user-defined limits are set.
- Fixed error in display of Probability Plot when missing specifications.
Updates in Version: 20100130
- UTF Characters now used. Greek characters used in forms and output. Non-English characters can be used in data
- Commas now shown in numerical output, and may be used in input
- New Appearance
- Complied with Delphi 2010
- Fixed import/paste of variable named "e" to not think it was a number
Version: 20071215
MVPspc launched, December 15, 2007