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PERFORM — Perform Configure Files

PERFORM has the ability save and load configuration files.These files contain information such as the title, data file, column names, column selections, user-set standard deviations, missing values, process if settings, and transforms. The specifications are contained in the data file, and found on the descriptions tab.

Opening PERFORM Configure Files

PERFORM Configure files may be opened by selecting File|Open from the Main Form. These files have a ".per" extension. If the Data File in the Configure File is of the same name as that already in the Data Editor, the Data File will not be reloaded.

Creating PERFORM Configure Files

PERFORM Configure files may be created by selecting File|Save As from the Main Form.

These files are standard ASCII text files and may be edited with a text editor such as Windows Notepad using the syntax below.

PERFORM Configure File Syntax

The following syntax is used in a PERFORM Configure File.

TITLE: {the title entered on the main form}

DECIMALS:    {the number of Decimal Places}
DATAFILE:    {the Data File name including the path}
COLNAMES:    {the Names of the columns in the Data File}
MEASURES:    {the column numbers of variables selected as Measures}
MULTIPLE:    {the selection for mulitple measures, 0=Multiple Items,
              1=Repeated Measures, 2=Multiple Streams}

GROUPS:      {the column numbers of variables selected as Groups}
USERMEAS:    {the User-Set Measurement Standard Deviation, blank if none}
USERPOT:     {the User-Set Potential Standard Deviation, blank if none}
USERSTREAM:  {the User-Set Process Stream Standard Deviation, blank if none}
MISSING1:    {the first equation for missing values: <sign> <value>
              Where <sign> is 0( for none), 1(=), 2(>), 3(>=), 4(<), or 5(<=)}
MISSING2:    {the second equation for missing values: <sign> <value>}

PROCESSIF1:  {the first equation for process if: <variable number> <sign> <value>
              Where <sign> is 0( for none), 1(=), 2(>), 3(>=), 4(<), 5(<=), or 6(<>)}

PROCESSIF2:  {the second equation for process if: <variable number> <sign> <value>
              <1 is added for an Or function>}
TRANSFORM:   {the Transform equation, <Transform Number> <A> <B> <C>
              Where <Transform number> is
              0: No Transform
              1: LINEAR Y = AX + B            
              2: POWER1 Y = (AX + B)^C
              3: POWER2 Y = (AX + B)^1/C
              4: INV Y = B/(AX)^C            
              5: LOG Y = Ln(AX + B)
              6: EXP Y = Exp(AX + B)
              7: ARCSIN Y = Arcsin(AX + B)            
              8: SIN Y = Sin(AX + B) Rad,          
              and <A>,<B>, and <C> are the Transform values;}         
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Page Updated: 06/14/2023
Website by MVP Programs