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MVPstats — Correlation Tests One-Sample Test For Rho(x)

The Correlation Test for Rho = Rho0 is used to test if a correlation exists between two variables of some specific value. The correlation represents the degree to which a linear relationship exists between these two variables. If the desired test is for a Rho0 equal to zero, see the Test for Correlation = 0.


The following hypotheses may be tested:

CT-Rho=X Hyp

Where Rho is the true population correlation from which the sample was drawn, and Rho0 is some value other than zero between -1.00 and 1.00.


1. The sample has been randomly drawn from a bivariate (two-dimensional) population (Critical)

2. The population may be modeled with a bivariate normal distribution (Not Critical, if unimodal)

3. The correlation tested represents the degree to which a linear relationship exists between the two variables (Critical)

Test Statistics



CT-Rho=X Output


The p-value is flagged with an asterisk (*) when p <= alpha.

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Page Updated: 06/14/2023
Website by MVP Programs